The Roscoe AWS data sets are data sets that are used as a temporary workspace for Roscoe users. These data sets must be pre-allocated and formatted using a program called FAWSDS as illustrated below. The FAWSDS parameters control the maximum number of AWS that are available to Roscoe. If more are needed, FAWSDS must be rerun, specifying a greater quantity of AWSs. Similarly, the AWSSIZE, or maximum number or records that each user can put in the AWS, is specified when the AWSs are formatted. The maximum value is 32000 records.
The Sample JCL to allocate the AWS files and run FAWSDS follows. Customize the JCL for your own environment:
//FAWSDS EXEC PGM=FAWSDS,PARM='A#=100,DB=1024,D#=2,SZ=32000'
// SPACE=(TRK,(2)),UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=volser,DCB=BLKSIZE=512,
// SPACE=(TRK,(20)),UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=volser,DCB=BLKSIZE=1024,
// SPACE=(TRK,(20)),UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=volser,DCB=BLKSIZE=1024,
The parameters in the above JCL are as follows:
A# = AWSAWS# number of AWSs that could be used when CA-Roscoe is executing.
NOTE: If Roscoe is up, you may issue the command AWS on the command line to see the current values of these parameters. Each user that is logged on needs a minimum of 1 AWS. Multiple this by the AWSSIZE parameter value to determine what to specify for - AWSAWS# number of AWSs that could be used when CA-Roscoe is executing. If the number you specify is too low, users will not be able to log on and will get
DB = AWSDBLK block size of the AWS data files.
D# = AWSDS# number of AWS data files.
SZ = AWSSIZE maximum number of records a user may have in the AWS at one time.
Roscoe has several parameters which affect the AWS. Refer to the CA Roscoe Programs and Utilities Guide for a full description.
AWSCACHE= enables the AWS Cache Facility and sets the maximum amount of storage to be acquired by this facility.
AWSLIM= defines the maximum number of AWSs an individual user may use during a Roscoe session.
RECVRAWS= controls execution of the SAVEAWS program during Roscoe initialization.
AWSDAYS= defines the number of days a SAVAWSnn member will remain in a user's library before it is deleted.