PAM 4.1.X
Reproduced Target server OS : Solaris 10 Sparc
The locale was set the ja_JP.PCK of the Solaris 10 box. From the catalina.out, I we verified the prompt when the password change was tried, it has the Japanese word, not English although the customer set the "LANG=C passwd" to the Script Processor.
When it sets the ”(?si)(.*?パスワード(\sfor|:).*?)” to the "Password Entry Prompt" in the Target application >> Script Processing tab for the Solaris10 device, it worked even if the passwd command without LANG=C was performed on the target box.
Also, after that, we noticed the Solaris box was working by C shell. But the "setenv LANG C passwd <USER ID>" on OS but the error "Too many arguments"(引数が多すぎます。) was returned.
It tried to use the pipe as "setenv LANG C | passwd <USER ID>" , but the Japanese prompt was returned then without enabling LANG=C.
(”既存のログインパスワードを入力してください” means "Password?" )
We provided the information to use "&&" instead of pipe like "setenv LANG C && passwd <USER ID>" and it worked.