We see that the ems_uim_db_sync queue in hub probe is in yellow status
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We see that the ems_uim_db_sync queue in hub probe is in yellow status


Article ID: 95563


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We see that the "ems_uim_db_sync" queue in hub probe is in yellow status.
Why does the queue have a yellow status ? 


Release: CNMSPP99000-8.47-Unified Infrastructure Mgmt-Server Pack-- On Prem


The ems_uim_db_sync queue is new with ems 10.17 
The queue did not exist prior to that version of the probe. So, if you upgraded to ems 10.17 but then downgraded then the queue would not be needed.
If you are running ems 10.17 then the ems probe should connect to the queue within a short space of time of initialization.