Data is missing from the Spectrum Report Manager reports
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Data is missing from the Spectrum Report Manager reports


Article ID: 95524


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Data is missing from the Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) reports


Release: Any version of Spectrum

Component: SPCRPT - Report Manager


Possible case are bucket files not being processed


Check the $SPECROOT/mysql/data/reporting directory on the SRM system for "bucket" files. If present, this is report data that has been processed from the Archive Manager database but has not yet entered in the mysql reporting database and therefore this data would be absent from your reports.

Upon finding *bucket* files in $SPECROOT/mysql/data/reporting that are more then 24 hours old, the first step would be to restart the OneClick Spectrum Tomcat process, as a full tomcat restart will attempt to process bucket files.

In order to make sure that the bucket files are being processed, please check the dates of your oldest bucket files, as they are processed in order with the oldest being processed first.

If there is any doubt that after a tomcat restart and waiting approximately 30 minutes, you can enable debug from the OneClick Admin page, Administration tab, Debugging, Webserver Debug Page (Runtime) and select the debugging according to the bucket files that are not processing for example:

Bucket files                          debug to enable
alarmbucket files                 SRM - Handler - Alarm
modelavailbucket files         SRM - Handler - Availability
genericbucket files              SRM - Handler - Generic Event
modelcreatedestroybucket  SRM - Handler - Model Create Destroy
ncmconfigbucket                  SRM - Handler - NCM Config

If the bucket files are still not processing, please open a case with Spectrum Support and include the $SPECROOT/tomcat/log/stdout.log (Windows) or catalina.out (Linux) for analysis.