API Portal: How to access the portal pssg gateway via the policy manager
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API Portal: How to access the portal pssg gateway via the policy manager


Article ID: 95500


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CA API Developer Portal CA API Gateway


In order to change any cluster wide property value or to troubleshoot it is sometimes needed to access the portal pssg/internal tenant gateway of a  API Portal. For version 5.1 of the portal the admin services of this gateway are not published by default. To enable this you can change the docker configuration.


Release: 5.x
Component: API Developer Portal


  • In the Portal VM, run the following docker command to open up the port for PSSG: 
docker service update --publish-add "8443:8443" portal_pssg --detach=fals
  • Get the gateway admin user credentials by running the following command 
docker inspect $(docker ps --filter name=portal_pssg -q) | grep -e SSG_ADMIN_PASSWORD -e SSG_ADMIN_USERNAME

Install/use 10.1 Policy manager and access the PSSG using the following credentials: 

username: admin
password: the return value from Step #2 //You will probably need to change the password upon first login 
Gateway: <Portal VM hostname or IP>:8443 
  • For security reasons be sure to remove the added port after the changes above have been made
          docker service update --publish-rm "8443:8443" portal_pssg --detach=false