MUX Staffing window shows the projects window
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MUX Staffing window shows the projects window


Article ID: 95495


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The staffing window in the Modern UI (New User Experience (UX) shows the projects window after an upgrade.

Clicking on the "Staffing" menu icon, shows the "Projects" tiles instead. Or, once you click on the Staffing icon, it may take you back to the previous page.

If you open the SETTINGS > STAFFING window in the New UI, the following error appears:

An error occurred while retrieving fiscal period ranges



Clarity 15.x


The column in the table cmn_ui_personalizations contains the wrong value.


Step 1: Run the following statement

select * from cmn_ui_personalizations where user_id = 0

The following records are supposed to display

If the column (Component) does not have a record/row with 'resource', then there is an issue. 

Step 2: Backup the cmn_ui_personalizations table

Step 3: Run an approved insert statement to add the missing record back.

Please contact Broadcom Support for assistance with this step