Running CA Pan/SQL IVP job and getting the following errors:
000140 - 1 FILE SQLFILE SQL + 000141 2 (SELECT NAME, CREATOR + 000142 3 FROM SYSIBM.SYSTABLES + 000143 4 INTO :NAME, :CREATOR) 000144 EZTC0500E >>> $ host variable not defined 000145 EZTC0500E >>> $ host variable not defined 000146 5 SQL INCLUDE LOCATION * FROM SYSIBM.SYSTABLES 000147 EZTC0441E >>> $ Intrnl Err 9034 ALLOC SQLDS 000148 EZTC0441E >>> $ Intrnl Err 9903 000149 EZTC0622E >>> $ SQL statement not processed due to previous errors
What are some ways I can resolve this?
Release: Component: PANSQL
The supplied JCL was not customized fully for the libraries: //* THE DB2 LOADLIB //* DD DSN=your.db2.SDSNLOAD,DISP=SHR Please review your JCL and change any lower case to your appropriate libraries.
If the JCL has been successfully modified to reflect your libraries, then please rebind the package/plan.