What does the letter 't' indicates in message U11D-8200-7 ?
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What does the letter 't' indicates in message U11D-8200-7 ?


Article ID: 95452


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While running the MANT tasks we were getting messages that looked  like the following:

U11D-8200-5  SSN=CALT DBID=0601 AREA=DSN AT  93% USED            
U11D-8200-6  EXTENTS=02 DSN=CA.DATACOM.CA11.DSN601     
U11D-8200-7  VOLUME=SYS810 FREE CYLINDERS: t   28303             

That letter t does not look like it belongs there. 


Component: 11


      PTF RO61208  added the "c" or "t" indication in the free cylinders volume field for message
U11d-8200-7.  With this PTF, either a "c" or "t" is in the first byte of the free cylinder field when
executed on z/OS 1.10 or higher to show whether the value is for Cylinder managed or Track manged.
     The free cylinder number value for the volume gives you an indication of whether we could get more 
space for the file if we should need to obtain it on that volume. Basically, if we need to get another extent
on the volume, what is the number of free cylinders available there.