XCOM GATEWAY: Can send and receive files from non XCOM Servers?
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XCOM GATEWAY: Can send and receive files from non XCOM Servers?


Article ID: 95451


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows


Can a file be sent from the XCOM GATEWAY to several servers: XCOM or non XCOM?


Release: 12.0
Component: XCGWIN


Needs to send a file to multiple destinations--some XCOM and some non XCOM.


Yes. Please review the information on this XCOM Data Transport Gateway 12.0

Specifically the XCOM documentation link says:

XCOM Data Transport Gateway is a platform-independent product that the user, partners, and business processes use to upload or download files manually or automatically. The files transfers are performed by applying the file transfer protocols and XCOM Data Transport Gateway protocol. In addition, the XCOM Data Transport Gateway allows automatic distribution of those files to XCOM Data Transport Gateway network and external FTP and SFTP servers.
The XCOM Data Transport Gateway can operate on one or more servers. Each of the servers can communicate with a XCOM
Data Transport Gateway server, through Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).