Integrations: Update Service is missing updated items in Rally
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Integrations: Update Service is missing updated items in Rally


Article ID: 95430


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Connector is failing to pull updated items from Rally to the 3rd party system. In the log file, there is an error similar to the following:

[2018-05-10 11:11:19 Z] ERROR : RallyEIF::WRK::QCConnection.find_internal - Found more than one - req with id 206866319812
[2018-05-10 11:11:19 Z]  WARN : RallyEIF::WRK::Connector.update_other - Quality Center req 860777 matched to Rally userstory US5688222 has mismatched external identifier in Rally item


Component: ACPREM


The original "ExternalID" value for the updated artifact was removed in Rally. 


To resolve this issue, there are two options: 
  1. Remove the ExternalID value in the 3rd party system (in this case HPALM) from the duplicate Story
  2. Delete the duplicate story completely from 3rd party system

Once the above has been completed, update the US in AC again, then re-run the connector to capture updates. You must do this because every time the connector runs it creates a time file for the configuration file used. The connector then references that time file as time range to look for updates in. The original update is now too early for the connector to find based on the time in the timefile which is why you must update the artifact again. Simply adding punctuation will be sufficient. The other option is to delete the time file associate with the configuration file, and a new time file will be automatically generated the next time the configuration file is run.