Basic Content Import Client Support and Troubleshooting Playbook.
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Basic Content Import Client Support and Troubleshooting Playbook.


Article ID: 9540


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


CIC (Content Import Client) is the mechanism through which Asset Management Software Detection signature
content is downloaded from '' for use by the CA Client Automation DSM, PM, and SWCM products.

Content Download is used to download CA\Broadcom provided CA Client Automation Signatures and the Patch Manager patches.


CA Client Automation - All Versions


Config.xml Located at CA\SC\CIC\conf
This stores all the values that CIC uses for processing
Logs: Located at CA\SC\CIC\logs
Cic.log - log written to when 'run.bat' is invoked (\ca\sc\cic\bin)
CIC_util - log that are produced when you run 'util.bat' line commands (\ca\sc\cic\bin)
Wrapper.log - log written to when 'wrapper.exe' is invoked (\ca\sc\cic\bin)
Httpclient.log - Java httpclient log file

Useful Troubleshooting Commands:

Util Commands must be run from the CA\SC\CIC\Bin folder

Util.bat -c checks the ability to connect to the content website
Util.bat -m <domain_manager_hostname> checks the connection to the MDB server

To change the cicuser password on the Domain Manager (This must be set to match what is in SQL):

Util.bat - D <MDB_Server name> <cicuser password>

util.bat -d "MDB_Server name" "N3wC1CPassw0rd" N 1433 s cicuser "mdb"

Run the following commands to register an application into CIC

UPM - Util.bat -R UPM 682DCD15-5C94-4321-842D-E3944D3CA000 PMUPM-00000-00000-00001 upmuser_group sa "<password>"
SWCM - Util.bat -R SWCM 6EF2944D-DD53-468E-8FAF-98C19D88C2BF SWCM-00000-00000-00001 swcmadmin sa "<password>"
DSM - Util.bat -R DSM B1B13849-08D1-4DA6-91EA-2D278E5F00CC PMDSM-00000-00000-00001 ca_itrm_group sa "<password>"

Util.bat -U UPM Used to unregister any of the above.

Running CIC:

CIC can be run 2 ways by Service (not recommended, since it won't update the System Status)
Or as an Application:

DSM Explorer
Engine Default Software Content Download Job
Make sure the customer runs it only once a day late at night .

Proxy information for CIC

Must be added to the DSM Explorer:

Domain/Control Panel/Configuration/Configuration Policy/Default Computer Policy/DSM/Manager/Software Contents Download

If you add the information in the config.xml file, it will be removed the next time the Default Software Contents Download Job Engine Task runs

Config.xml file Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fileName>C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CIC\logs\CIC.log</fileName>
<filePattern>%d [%t] %-5p [%c] - %m%n</filePattern>


Explanation of 7 Parts of the config.xml


  1. The 2 ports that CIC can use are 443 or 5250 <iTechSponsorPort>443</iTechSponsorPort>

  2. Website to check the connection to each port


      Testing Connectivity to the CA Content Server (ACME) server for signature and content updates Article ID: 27736
  3. The name of the MDB Server <domainName></domainName>

  4. The account used by CIC in SQL <mdbUser>cicuser</mdbUser>

  5. The website that signatures are downloaded from <url></url>

  6. External IP address from this website (This will NOT respond to a ping but if you ping, it MUST resolve to this IP)

  7. Application that CIC is setup for <applications> <DSM>


Error and Solutions:

Contentdownload is running BUT the DSM Status Windows still shows Signatures are X days behind.

Solution: This happens when CIC is running as a Service instead of an Application
Uninstall CIC and reinstall as a service.

Failed to acquire MDB connection for domain X. Login failed for user 'cicuser'.

Solution: Testing cicuser account : Try logging into SQL as the cicuser
Trying changing password in SQL then run the
Util.bat - d <domain_manager_hostname> <cicuser password> N 1433 s cicuser mdb
To change the cicuser with Content Import Client.

There are also 2 cicuser accounts in SQL.
The MDB account and the SQL account make sure they are linked.

Solution: SQL Command to link the 2 CIC accounts: exec sp_change_users_login 'AUTO_FIX', 'cicuser'

Foreign key Errors in Logs:

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "$ca_ca_r0000022c00000000". The conflict occurred in database "mdb", table "dbo.ca_category_def", column 'category_uuid'.

Solution: Reset baseline:
Copy the baseline folder from the DVD 1 media WindowsProductfiles\CIC\baseline to the CA\SC\CIC folder on the machine. This will automatically reset the baseline for the signatures.
If customer uses Proxy Server to Access Content Utility:
Proxy details written to CIC\Conf\Config.xml by ITCM Engine (with the data from comstore) is being overwritten by CIC from the mdb table (ca_cic_manager). Since the ITCM Engine updates the config.xml alone and not the mdb, the data in the mdb is outdated. When CIC starts it synchronizes the proxy details from mdb (Which is outdated) and hence the CIC fails to work without the proxy information. Downloading the data

MDB is already marked by another installation

Solution: Select * from ca_acme_checkpoint where message_version_number=1000
If it returns any rows then run: delete from ca_acme_checkpoint where message_version_number=1000       


Additional Information

Default Content Download SQL / Manager Password : CAC0nt3nt!4CIC