The LSCH DATE command in pagemode does not show the scheduled event. Why?
Release: 12.0
Component: ESP Workload Automation
ESP knows only about only first next occurrence of the event trigger. For more entries, the command NEXT has to be used.
EVENT MANAGEMENT (E.5) can also be used to check the next schedules. For example:
Display next execution times
Complete EVENT NAME, and COUNT, then press ENTER
EVENT PREFIX ===> XXXXXXX (Blank defaults to group name)
EVENT NAME ===> send
COUNT ===> 2 (Blank defaults to 1)
SCHED AT 09.05.00 ON THURSDAY MAY 10TH, 2018
SCHED AT 09.06.00 ON THURSDAY MAY 10TH, 2018
LISTSCH command:
NEXT command: