Article ID: 95384
Updated On:
Recommendations for moving Datacom R14 CUSLIB/CUSMAC libraries to production after applying maintenance.
When upgrading maintenance, and before installing the new CAAXLOAD library into the STEPLIB of the MUF JCL,
- It is a good idea to save (rename) the current working CAAXLOAD from the MUF.
That library may be used to fallback, in case the new CAAXLOAD is giving trouble to the MUF after maintenance is applied .
- The CUSLIB will stay the same unless:
* There is any required HOLDDATA asking to asm/link one of the macros going to CUSLIB (from CUSMAC).
Custom Assembly/Link-Edit Step,
(see *.CAAXSAMP(AXACTUPG) if 15.0) (see *.CAAXSAMP(AXCUS01) if 14.0)
* There is change made by customer on one of these source macros.
- It is also a good idea to shut down in a clean fashion the previous MUF before starting the new MUF.
(see *.CAAXSAMP(AD15STOP) if 15.0) (see *.CAAXSAMP(AD14STOP) if 14.0)
- Do not forget that if any change is made to data set names from MUF STEPLIB then they must be APF:
*.CAAXSAMP(AXAPFADD) if you have Sysview or similar facility if not using Sysview.
Additional Information
Reference CA Datacom/AD 15.0 documentation: