OPS3901E READ OF ruleset.rule FAILED, RC=12 with PDSE rulesets
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OPS3901E READ OF ruleset.rule FAILED, RC=12 with PDSE rulesets


Article ID: 95381


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Errors during the auto-enable process at OPS startup:

IEC020I NO ERROR HANDLING, (SYNAD), EXIT SPECIFIED                                                 
IEF196I IEC020I NO ERROR HANDLING, (SYNAD), EXIT SPECIFIED                                         


OPS/MVS all releases


OPS/MVS supports the use of PDSE datasets, with noted exceptions. They are used for libraries and rulesets.

Please take note of the following:

  • PDSE sharing does not work outside of a sysplex.
  • For RULES, OPS/MVS uses STOW IN PLACE, which PDSE extended sharing does not support.  In OPS/MVS the stow in place is used for the purpose of auto-enabling the rules. Therefore, if using the AUTOENABLE parameter for the rule datasets, then the rule datasets must be a PDS.  
  • If the site mandates the use of PDS/e datasets for RULES, then it is up to the site to control rule updates.  Refer to the information in the AOF Parameter section of the documentation for setting the parameter AOFINITOPEN to INPUT as an alternative and also insure that PDSESHARING option is set to Extended in parmlib.



Additional Information

The best recommendation is to Not have the rules data sets in PDSE format, since OPSMAIN does not retain any allocations for rules datasets (other than to access them during OPSMAIN initialization). 
For Release 14.0 refer to this section of the product documentation set: 

AOF Parameters