To enable debugging or traceining in the iGateway service changes to the file must be made
Autosys 12.x
EEM 12.x
iGateway 4.x
Windows default file location:
c:\Program Files\SC\iTechnology\
Linux default file location:
Make the following changes:
For this line....log4cplus.rootLogger=ERROR, ServerLogFile change ERROR to TRACE
For this line...log4cplus.appender.ServerLogFile.MaxFileSize=5MB change 5MB to 10MB
For this line...log4cplus.appender.ServerLogFile.MaxBackupIndex=5 change 5 to 10
Stop and Start the iGateway service.
how to start iGateway
run as root
$IGW_LOC/S99igateway start
$IGW_LOC/S99igateway stop