How to care about the VSAM-files used by CA-TPX and keep them in good shape?
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How to care about the VSAM-files used by CA-TPX and keep them in good shape?


Article ID: 9535


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


CA-TPX uses up to five VSAM-files: ADMIN1, ADMIN2, MAIL, NOTES and VIEW. This document gives some hints on how to take care about these files.


Release: NVINAM00200-5.3-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package


To keep the VSAM files used by TPX in a 'healthy' shape, we recommend the following preventive maintenance procedures:

  • Take periodic backups of your CA-TPX VSAM files via the VSAM-IDCAMS utility. The frequency of backups will depend on the amount of change activity (additions/ modifications/deletions) for your VSAM files. You may want to take more frequent backups if there is a high degree of change activity versus taking less frequent backups for files with low change activity.
  • REORG your Unicenter CA-TPX VSAM files periodically also based on the change activity. A REORG using the IDCAMS utility should include:
  1. Taking a backup of the VSAM files using REPRO
  2. Performing a DELETE/REDEFINE of the VSAM cluster
  3. Restoring the VSAM files from the backup file using REPRO

This is a preventive maintenance procedure (i.e. REORG) that mitigates Control Area and Control Interval (CA and CI) splits and VSAM file corruption. Please note that if the CI/CA splits are excessive even after a REORG has been done, increasing the FREESPCE parameter in the VSAM cluster DEFINE will help alleviate this problem. Excessive CI/CA splits most typically occur during a new install when performing a high volume 'ADD' maintenance activity for information stored on the Unicenter CA-TPX VSAM files. The FREESPCE parameter can be lowered once the high volume of activity has ended.

  • When you are performing a REORG of your CA-TPX VSAM files, you should also first review the DASD definitions and make sure the current definitions are still adequate for the volume of data stored on each CA-TPX VSAM file. If you are at or near the maximum space capacity, you should increase your DASD specifications so that the next VSAM REORG 'DEFINE' of the cluster reflects the new DASD specifications/requirements for the VSAM file.

    Sample JCL members for CA-TPX VSAM file backup (VBACKUP), file restore from file backup (VRESTORE) and cluster definition (VADMIN1/VADMIN2/VMAIL/VNOTES/VVIEW) can be found in the INSTALL library from the CA-TPX product tape (please also refer to member $INDEX for a list and definition of subsequent members provided in this library).

We also recommend that you run the CA-TPX Batch Reset Integrity process (refer to library SAMPLIB, member BATCHINI for sample JCL) after any CA-TPX VSAM file REORG/restore process prior to starting CA-TPX. Refer to CA-TPX FAQS titled What causes VSAM integrity errors for more detailed information on the batch Reset Integrity.

Maintenance to the CA-TPX VSAM files, including running the batch Reset Integrity, should be done while the product is down.

Also, we refer you to library SAMPLIB (from the TPX product install tape), member $BATMAIL for sample MAIL batch programs. If you are storing email messages, you should consider running the TPXBATCH mail delete on a periodic basis to clean out the TPX MAIL.

The cluster definition for the TPXMAIL file is delivered in library INSTALL (from product install tape, member VMAIL) you need to adjust the space requirements based on the volume of data (lists/messages) that you expect to store on the MAIL file.