This document summarizes the new format used to specify the XCOM™ Data Transport® Default Options for r11.6 and higher, how to convert from your present table, how to use it and answers a few basic questions about it.
With r11.5 and below, these system parameters were kept in the XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS Default Options Table which needed to be assembled when any changes were made. These parameters are now stored in a TYPE=CONFIG member in the XCOMCNTL data set. Assembly is no longer required after the initial conversion.
XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS
With r11.5 and below, these system parameters were kept in the XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS Default Options Table which needed to be assembled when any changes were made. These parameters are now stored in a TYPE=CONFIG member in the XCOMCNTL data set. Assembly is no longer required after the initial conversion.
How do I migrate to the new format?
For the installations converting from r11.5 or r11.6, any existing, assembled Default Options Table can be automatically converted to a TYPE=CONFIG Member.
What if I am not migrating from a previous release?
The data set CAI.CBXGPARM (XCOMCNFG) contains the Default Options. Copy it into a PDS member in the XCOMCNTL data set and customize the values as needed. The name of the member can be XCOMDFLT or any other name of 8 characters or less. The CONFIG=parameter should specify the name of the PDS member that you copied into.
How does this new format work?
A TYPE=CONFIG member is automatically created from the Default Options Table when 11.6 or 12.0 is brought up for the first time. It is stored as a TYPE=CONFIG member in the XCOMCNTL data set. If there are multiple XCOMCNTL data sets in the concatenation, it is stored in the first dataset which does not have a TYPE=CONFIG member. From then on, the server uses the TYPE=CONFIG member instead of the assembled Default Options Table.
How do I update the TYPE=CONFIG member?
This member is a text file. Edit it to update it.
The XCOM Server will pick up the new parameter values when it is recycled
What is the new parameter for the new format?
Specify the name of an existing TYPE=CONFIG control library member that contains the default options system parameters for the XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS server
CONFIG={XCOMDFLT|xxxxxxxx} default is XCOMDFLT
Note: If both the DFLTAB and CONFIG parameters are specified, the CONFIG parameter value is used.
Refer to the online documentation for more information: Configure the Default Options - see "Convert a Default Options Table to a TYPE=CONFIG Member"
Note that, to support XCOMJOB job steps that don't include XCOMCNTL DD, you can define a dataset name globally for the whole MVS which will be dynamically allocated by XCOMJOB steps in order to read the TYPE=CONFIG member from it. This feature is documented on the above page under "Set Config DSN".