Check to see if the attributes not displaying data are on a secure subpage. If so, the users will need at least view access to the subpage to see the data.
Note: This access is needed if the Attribute Value Protection (AVP) setting for the list view is set to 'Use only secured subpages to protect attribute values on this list' or 'Use display conditions and secured subpages to protect attribute values on this list' which prevents users from seeing data on secure subpages.
- To check this setting in PPM: Go to Administration->Studio->Objects. Click on the object, go to the Views tab and click on the Options link next to the View.
- It's recommended to use at a minimum the 'Use only secured subpages to protect attribute values on this list' option to prevent secure subpage data from displaying.
- Using 'Use display conditions and secured subpages to protect attribute values on this list' is recommended only if display conditions are being used, as this option can slow down performance on the list view.