Upgrading XCOM for z/OS from r11.6 to 12.0
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Upgrading XCOM for z/OS from r11.6 to 12.0


Article ID: 95259


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


Please provide implementation document outlining a step by step sequence of upgrade from 11.6 to 12.  Notes may also be used for a new install.


Release: XCOM Data Transport for z/OS 11.6, 12.0
Component: XCMVS



  1. Carefully review the release notes for r12.0.  This gives you a detailed summary or all changes and additions to the product when going from r11.6 to r12.0.  
  2. Review software requirements. 
  3. Review CA Common Services requirements.
  4. Review Security Requirements.
  5. Storage requirements direct you to fill out the Server Storage Usage Worksheet for r12 available online as RI71800 CA XCOM V12.0 SERVER STORAGE USAGE WORKSHEET.
  6. Review OMVS Requirements.
  7. Review OMVS Space Requirements
  8. Review Concurrent Releases.
  9. Review LPA Eligible Libraries.
  10. Migration information.

You have now completed the preparation steps and are ready to install. You have three choices on how to install-  Either using CA CSM,  downloading a PAX file from Broadcom Support Portal and installing from there or CA SMP/E Internet Service Retrieval.
I am not going to include all the details from the manual for each, but here is an overview:

Installing XCOM r12 from PAX File

Install Products using SMP/E JCL

    1. Acquire the Product Pax Files
      CA XCOM Data Transport v12.0 S1407  DVD07083440E.pax.Z from Broadcom Support Portal
    2. Create a Product Directory from the Pax File
    3. Copy Installation Files to z/OS Data Sets
    4. Prepare the SMP/E Environment for a Pax Installation
    5. Run the Installation Jobs for a Pax Installation
    6. Clean Up the USS Directory


Apply Preventative Maintenance  (Very important)

Apply preventative maintenance:

    1. Receive Maintenance and Error HOLDDATA
    2. Apply and Accept Maintenance
    3. Apply CA Recommended Service (CA RS) Maintenance

Configuring and Bringing up XCOM

  1. Define your product to VTAM(as a VTAM application).
  2. Define the logon mode table entries.
  3. Configure the CONFIG member(default options).
  4. Define the libraries and install the TSO/ISPF facility.
  5. Review and modify the CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS  SSL/TLS configuration file. When you install the product, SSL/TLS certificates are automatically generated for testing purposes. Therefore, you do not need to generate them. For more information, see Prepare the CA, Client, and Server Certificates and Configure the System SSL Configuration File
  6. Define/migrate the request queue.
  7. Define/migrate the VSAM history file.
  8. Define the optional sequential files.
  9. Perform the optional configuration procedures as needed.
  10. Verify the installation.