Integrations: How to use <FieldDefaults>
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Integrations: How to use <FieldDefaults>


Article ID: 95235


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Issues setting up <FieldDefaults> and receiving errors in the rallylog.log file.

Field Defaults are used when the destination system has a required field, but the field is not going to be mapped in the configuration file. This will cause field F1to be set to value of V1.


You can set as many default values as needed. The <FieldDefaults> are set in the connection section of the system that you want to set values for.


For a default to work successfully, you must use a valid field value for the destination system.

Additionally, there are two ways for a <FieldDefault> to be recognized
  1. The F1 field is not mapped in the <FieldMapping> section
  2. If the F1 field is mapped in the <FieldMapping> section then the field in the source system MUST be null, otherwise the connector will use the mapping and ignore the default setting.  

Additional Information

Note* <FieldDefautls> are only valid for COPY of artifacts only. Not valid for UPDATE service