Unable to edit a custom attribute on the Project Object
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Unable to edit a custom attribute on the Project Object


Article ID: 95135


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Unable to edit or set an API attribute ID value for a custom attribute on the Project / Idea Object.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to Administration->Objects-Project->Attributes
  2. Click on the attribute
  3. Try to edit the API Attribute ID field

Expected Results: API Attribute is editable
Actual Results: API Attribute ID is unable to be edited 


This can happen if the attribute was created on the Investment object, then the API Attribute ID cannot be edited from the project / idea object.


If the attribute was created on the Investment object, add the API Attribute ID from the Investment object.

Steps to do this below:

  1. Go to Administration->Objects-Investment->Attributes
  2. Click on the attribute
  3. Add a value in the API Attribute ID field and save
  4. Now, when you go back to the attribute on the project object, you will see the API Attribute ID now displayed.