Performance Management threshold events are not displaying
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Performance Management threshold events are not displaying


Article ID: 95117


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


I am seeing no events, after creating Threshold Profile rules in DX NetOps Performance Management. I have checked that Threshold Monitoring is enabled, and that the Metric Family and metric are correct on the rule.
But I am seeing no threshold events show up in the Events Display dashboard


All supported releases of DX NetOps Performance Management


There is an incorrect reference to the Data Aggregator for EventProducerWS in the EM database

In checking the /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/EM/logs/EMService.log, the following error appears, referencing the incorrect Data Aggregator name

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/05/08 09:14:08 | ERROR | pool-1-thread-1          | 2018-05-08 09:14:08,888 |                       
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/05/08 09:14:08 | Caused by: UnknownHostException invoking http://<hostname>:8581/EventProducerWS: <hostname.old>
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2018/05/08 09:14:08 | Caused by: <hostname.old>

In checking the /opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql EM database, I can see that the IEventProducer field in the data_sources table is referencing the incorrect Data Aggregator name. 

mysql> select IDataSource,IEventProduce from data_sources where SourceID = 6;
+------------------------------------------------------------ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
| IDataSource                                                      | IEventProducer                                                           | 
+----------------------------------------- ------------------ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
| http://<hostname.old>:8581/DataSourceWS    |  http://<hostname.old>:8581/EventProducerWS         |             


Run the following update command (altering the path if necessary) to trigger Event Manager to reregister itself with the Data Aggregator, updating the Data Aggregator with the proper hostname.


/opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql -uroot -p -e "update em.data_sources set LastEvent=0,ConsumerID=0;"

Additional Information

This will cause EM to re-register with the DA: 

Then, during the next EM poll of the DA, it will re-register itself with the DA and should update the EM DB with the new URL.

If it does NOT, then there has to be something on DA side that is returning <hostname.old> for the hostname in the URL