Endevor SCL DEFINE for new type fails because Panvalet Language
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Endevor SCL DEFINE for new type fails because Panvalet Language


Article ID: 95098


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Trying to update a TYPE for ASM and the job fails because the language isn't valid for Panvalet.
ENBE926E  Language ASM is not a valid PANVALET language

We have specified   PANVALET LANGUAGE IS TEXT and ASM.  Neither worked.  

We have LIBENVP set to N in our defaults table.
Why is it even asking for the Panvalet Language if we aren't using it?   


Component: ENDBAS


If the Type definition is asking for the Panvalet Language, it is because the C1DEFLTS LIBENV parameter is set to PV. 

This parameter serves two purposes depending upon the LIBENVP parameter in C1DEFLTS.
■ If LIBENVP=Y, then
– LIBENV=PV indicates that CA Panvalet is installed;
– LIBENV=LB indicates that CA Librarian is installed.
■ If LIBENVP=N (default), then the include member syntax is used by CONWRITE, by the Expand Include Utility, or by both as follows:
– LIBENV=PV indicates that checks will be made for CA Panvalet include member syntax (++INCLUDE) or COBOL COPY statements,
– LIBENV=LB indicates that checks will be made for CA Librarian include member syntax (-inc) or COBOL COPY statements
– LIBENV=blank (default), no syntax checking or expanding will occur.


If you do not want to check for Panvalet ++INCLUDE statements, change the LIBENVP parm in the C1DEFLTS to blank, and reassemble and link the C1DEFLTS table.

If you do want to enable the Panvalet ++INCLUDE statement check, the acceptable values for PANVALET LANGUAGE are:

  • DATA

  • USER780

  • COBOL-72

  • USER180


  • RPG

  • BAL

  • PL/I

  • PL/1


  • JCL

  • ALC