spectrumgtw Validate Connection fails: "make sure that the webservices_rest package is deployed on the UMP server"
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spectrumgtw Validate Connection fails: "make sure that the webservices_rest package is deployed on the UMP server"


Article ID: 95072


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Spectrum DX NetOps


When I Validate the connection in the spectrumgtw "UIM Configuration" section I get the error: 

Connection to the specified UMP server failed. Please provide the correct details and make sure that the webservices_rest package is deployed on the UMP server
Error Code: Not Found
Click Close to close dialog

•   I have checked that the UMP server contains the webservices_rest package (Under Controller probe - click on the Status tab and click on the Installed packages)


UIM 8.5.1 / 9.0 / 20.x
spectrumgtw 8.65 / 20.x
​webservices_rest 8.51 / 9.00 / 20.x
Spectrum 10.2.2 / 10.2.3 / 21.x / 22.x


The cause of this issue could be a permission issue (ACL) of the user used for the connection. The user must have the "web service" ACL enabled for the webservices_rest.

Try to open this URL:

http://<IP or hostname of OC>/rest/origins

Where OC is the Operator Console

Got the following error: Insufficient permission for operation - permission required: Web Service



■  Open Infrastructure Manager:
> go to: Security
> "Manage Access Control List..."
> and select the ACL assigned to the affected user
> Enable the "Web Service" ACL

■ If the 'Web Service' ACL is not avaialable at all, even for the superuser ACL, the security.cfg ACL list may be corrupt. In this case, follow the below procedure:

1. Open Infrastructure Manager
2. Navigate distsrv probe on the primary UIM server.
3. With the distsrv probe highlighted, press "Ctrl-P" the probe Utility (pu) should appear.
4. In the probe commandset, select callback set_init_acl with the parameter value "base_acls.cfg".

The callback updates the security.cfg with default ACLs.

Additional Information

Related KB: Spectrumgtw error: make sure that the webservice_rest package is deployed on the ump server (broadcom.com)


Related Documentation;
spectrumgtw Advanced Configuration
Integrate CA Spectrum
Set Up RESTful Webservices


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