Need to change 2 keys to put KEYINC=YES
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Need to change 2 keys to put KEYINC=YES


Article ID: 95028


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Datacom DATACOM - AD


CBS trace shows that 2 keys have been defined with KEYINC=NO so they cannot be used by CBS.
How can I change them to KEYINC=YES?


CA Datacom 


1.Go into CICS DDOL and select  1. DBMAINT (SET MODE DBM) .
2.Select 1. DATABASE (BAS)
3.Then 7. RESTORE (RST BAS) , RESTORE your database entity to Status  T001 from PROD
4.Enter in the command line MOD KEY , press enter and fill in key name and table name in status T001
5.On that panel you have now NIL:N , change it to Y and press PF9 APPLY
6.Run VER BAS on the database in status T001 
7.If ok , Copy the TABLE  from status T001 to PROD
8.Close the URT for the database  in CICS and close the base in the MUF. 
9. Catalog the base in DDOL (CAT BAS) and run ENABLE BAS
10.Put ACCESS OFF on the base in the MUF and then recreate the index for this DBID ( INIT AREA=IXX,DBID=nnnnn/RETIX DBID=nnnnn,OPTIMIZE=YES,SORTDFLT=YES,SORT=999999)
11 Run DBUTLTY REPORT AREA=CXX,DBID=nnnnn and check if you now have YES in KEY INC for the keys that you changed
12.Put ACCESS WRITE again on the base in the MUF and open the URT in CICS