Multicast issue when not on the same subnet
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Multicast issue when not on the same subnet


Article ID: 94953


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


How can the Clarity services multicast traffic talk to each other - app to app, app to bg, csa to beacon, etc. when Clarity Servers are not all showing in the NSA / CSA and all servers are not in same IP subnet.


Note: The use of Multicast is no longer a best practice. We recommend using the new technology of JDBC Ping Multicast not working due to environment/infrastructure (Recommended use of JDBC Ping as Best Practice)

  1. For Multicast we recommend having servers in same subnet. 
  2. You can create a multicast bridge device is something on the network that will take the traffic from one subnet and broadcast it into the other. However this is not recommended as such traffic with a high enough TTL ends up propagating across networks. Instead of using a multicast bridge, use JDBC Ping as described above