SPC-OCA-10704: No permission connecting to domain. Ensure the .hostrc file permits this host to connect.
SPC-OCA-10704: No permission connecting to domain. Ensure the .hostrc file permits this host to connect.
Article ID: 94951
Updated On: 10-20-2023
CA Spectrum
After upgrading to Performance Center 3.2, we see what appear to be incorrect netQOS integration event poller exceptions, in the Spectrum tomcat log.
SPC-OCA-10704: No permission connecting to domain <landscape>. Ensure the .hostrc file permits this host to connect.
What is the cause of this?
Any version of Spectrum integrates with CAPM.
There are various situations, that can cause this error:
1. the hostrc file is badly populated. 2. The OneClick user does not have the correct permission, to access the SpectroSERVER. 3. A disconnect between the OneClick server and the SpectroSERVER or Archive Manager. 4. SpectroSERVER is busy and dropped the CORBA request
We need only be concerned, when this error repeats itself constantly and we see that events are not updating in OneClick, from the landscape in question.
To understand what is causing it, we need to enable debug on both the SpectroSERVER and the OneClick server and await a reoccurrence of the error.
In this example, it is happening a couple of times per day, and the events are up to date. This is typically caused by temporary disconnects, so is not a problem, that needs to be investigated as it can be safely ignored. The error message will be altered in a future release, to be less specific, and reflect the various possible causes.
Additional Information
In case you see the continuous message
How to enable Debug FOR the SpectroSERVER: -------------------------------------- Goto to the VNM model in the OneClick console -> information tab -> dynamic debugging -> enable the logging on "SpectroSERVER CORBA Communication" and "General SpectroSERVER Communication".
Also enable moot trace and cobra trace
Enable tomcat debug ----------------------------------------- From the OC web admin page -> Admin tab -> debug -> web server debug runtime
Once the problem has reoccurred, collect the tomcat log and the VNM.out, which are belonged to same time interval and upload for analysis, if needed. Turn off the debug.