Question about Window Server releases supported in CA Automation Point
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Question about Window Server releases supported in CA Automation Point


Article ID: 94916


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Automation Point


Question about Window Server releases supported in CA Automation Point.

We currently have 11.5.3 Automation Point server running on Window server R2008 R2. I see that it supports Windows Server R2012 R2, but it says GUI only. Please explain what that means.

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (Server with a GUI only) Foundation, Essentials, Standard, Data Center x64 only.


CA Automation Point 11.5.3
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2


If you look at the following Wikipedia entry for Windows Server 2102, it mentions only two installation options: Server Core and Server with GUI options. We do not support the Server Core install option (A.K.A. a headless server) because several of the tools in Automation Point require a GUI (e.g. AP Desktop, Notification Manager, and Configuration Manager).

Installation_options CA Automation Point 11.5


Additional Information

Client Compatibility Matrix