CA XCOM Data Encryption - How to specify a cipher
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CA XCOM Data Encryption - How to specify a cipher


Article ID: 9490


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


Understanding and Using Ciphers with Encryption with CA XCOM Data Transport


CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS
CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux Intel
CA XCOM Data Transport for HP, Solaris, AIX
CA XCOM Data Transport for Windows
System SSL


  1.  Issue command "OPENSSL CIPHERS" from your XCOM directory to list available ciphers. 

    For example, if the first line of the output of the command shows, DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA 

    The third field will show the cipher that is being used for data encryption (in this example it is AES256). 
  2. In the XCOM configssl.cnf file there are the following parameters: 


Meaning of values: 

ALL = use all ciphers provided 
!ADH: !LOW:!EXP = do not use these ciphers. (The '!' is equivalent to a NOT. 

MD5 = indicates use this cipher 
@STRENGTH = indicates use the strongest cipher of all other ciphers not excluded 

       3. You may choose a cipher by editing the CIPHER section in the configssl to one of the following values: 
  1. specifying the specific cipher as a value. e.g.: INITIATE_SIDE=3DES 
  2. not specifying the specific cipher as a value. e.g.:


Additional Information

Read about ciphers in these online guides:

CA XCOM Data Transport for Windows 11.6 SP02

CA XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux 11.6 SP01