Which versions of CA PPM and MS Project (MSP) are certified together?
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Which versions of CA PPM and MS Project (MSP) are certified together?


Article ID: 94875


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Which versions of CA Project and Porfolio Manager (PPM) and MS Project (MSP) are certified together?

Do any combinations not work?

For example, between MSP 2013 and 2016, and CA PPM 15.3.


MS Project


The following is for the example of CA PPM 15.3 On-Premise and MS Project 2013 and 2016. 
Please search for the documentation equivalent to your versions if needed.

The CA PPM 15.3 On-Premise Release Notes that discuss the general MS Project compatibilities is here under "Client Applications."  Make sure to read the super-scripted notes: 

General notes on integrating CA PPM and MS Project begin here: 

This document here is maintained to keep track of known working/non-working combinations: 
KB000011553 (Formerly TEC1830355). How do Microsoft Project monthly patches impact CA PPM:

CA Support does track known issues at a finer level version level (than the above document) as they are reported. This is not released as this changes frequently as issues are found and patched.
The most current "known working" patch levels for both MS Project 2013 and 2016 as at May 2018 are: 

MS Project 2013: 
March 6, 2018 15.0.5015.1000 KB4018292 

MS Project 2016: 
March 6, 2018 16.0.4666.1000 KB4011734 

The rule of thumb is that newer releases are more likely to be compatible than older releases.

If you wish to use an older point release, or wish to know if an exact version is certified that is not listed in the above sources, please log an issue with CA Support for any known status.
You must provide the exact version numbers using this document (Do NOT use Help, About as this is not reliable):
How Can I Find Out Microsoft Project's Product Version? 

Finally, a key setup document that every MS Project site should review in detail is: 

How to Configure Default Settings in Microsoft Project to use with PPM 

Additional Information