How can I find out what objects are setup with more than just SELECT authority?
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How can I find out what objects are setup with more than just SELECT authority?


Article ID: 9485


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RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS


How can I find out what objects are setup with more than just SELECT authority?.


Component: RCSDB2


The PTI.PTRCS_APLDOM_0200 table contains the authorizations selected for the object. A SQL query can be executed to retrieve the information.

The AUTHS column on the table retains authorizations for the selected objects. The AUTHS column is defined VARCHAR(25). The first byte is empty. Bytes 2 through 25 indicate the authorizations granted for the object (Y, G, or blank).

The TABLE authorizations are defined in the following bytes of the column:

 Byte:                Authorization: 
----- -------------
3 Select
4 Insert
5 Delete
6 Update
7 Update Column
8 Index
9 Alter
10 Reference
11 Reference Column
12 Trigger

Additional information can be found in the RC/Secure for DB2 for z/OS User Guide, Appendix B which will provide more details on the table layout and additional objects.

Execute the following query to obtain a list of users who have a "Y" privilege:

 SUBSTR(AUTHS,2,1)  = X'E8' OR 
 (SUBSTR(AUTHS,3,1)  = X'E8' AND 
 SUBSTR(AUTHS,4,1)  = X'E8') OR 
 (SUBSTR(AUTHS,3,1)  = X'E8' AND 
 SUBSTR(AUTHS,5,1)  = X'E8') OR 
 (SUBSTR(AUTHS,3,1)  = X'E8' AND 
 SUBSTR(AUTHS,6,1)  = X'E8') OR 
 (SUBSTR(AUTHS,3,1)  = X'E8' AND 
 SUBSTR(AUTHS,7,1)  = X'E8') OR 
 (SUBSTR(AUTHS,3,1)  = X'E8' AND 
 SUBSTR(AUTHS,8,1)  = X'E8') OR 
 (SUBSTR(AUTHS,3,1)  = X'E8' AND 
 SUBSTR(AUTHS,9,1)  = X'E8') OR 
 (SUBSTR(AUTHS,3,1)  = X'E8' AND 
 SUBSTR(AUTHS,10,1) = X'E8') OR 
 (SUBSTR(AUTHS,3,1)  = X'E8' AND 
 SUBSTR(AUTHS,11,1) = X'E8') OR 
 (SUBSTR(AUTHS,3,1)  = X'E8' AND 
 SUBSTR(AUTHS,12,1) = X'E8') 

The X'E8' value represents a "Y" privilege. This value can be changed to X'C7' to accommodate the "G" privilege.