2. $$SYSPRO may show the following messages IPDI52H0 Checking IBM TCPIP SMF Configuration IPDI52J4 Note: TCPIP - Stack Configuration has 118 Subsection IPDI52H5 Error: TCPIP - Stack Configuration for SMF record 119 does not have TCPINIT subrecord specified IPDI52H5 Error: TCPIP - Stack Configuration for SMF record 119 does not have TCPTERM subrecord specified IPDI52H5 Error: TCPIP - Stack Configuration for SMF record 119 does not have FTPCLIENT subrecord specified IPDI52H5 Error: TCPIP - Stack Configuration for SMF record 119 does not have TN3270CLIENT subrecord specified IPDI52I0 Checking MVS SMF Configuration IPDI52I9 MVS SMF configuration test completed
1. One must properly define security for the SOLVE SSI userID. It is documented in DocOps at this address. Workaround: in your SSIPARMS set PATRACENMI=NO until security can be defined correctly
2. The TCP/IP stack must be configured to write TYPE 119 records as documented at this address.