During startup of Vantage I noticed the following messages
INVALID EXTERNAL FILTER: value is too big (too long)
VAN0991I PoolDef Compile ExtFlt: value is too big (too long)
Which Filter is in error and how can this be corrected?
At this time no message is issued in the JESMSGLG log to identify the incorrect external Filter. Look at the MSGE log for message:
GENUSR01 ..ExtFlt=POOLFLT1 for Obj=LSPACEPO compile failed PoolDef Compile ExtFlt: value is too big (too long)
... which contains the Filter name ExtFlt=POOLFLT1. The preceding messages refer to the invalid statement. For example:
GENFLTCP 1st 50 bytes of -bad- filter string=('SMS STATUS' EQ DISABLE)
In this case the Value for 'SMS STATUS' is too long. This field is only 6 bytes long and valid values are:
SMS Status
ENABLE The system or system group can allocate and access data
sets on this volume.
DISALL The system or system group cannot allocate or access
data sets on this volume.
DISNEW The system or system group cannot allocate new data sets
on this volumes.
NOTCON The system or system group is physically disconnected
from this volume and cannot allocate or access data sets
on it.
NRDY Not Ready: The volume is not ready.
QUIALL If the system uses JES3, it cannot schedule jobs that
allocate or access data sets on this volume. If the
system uses JES2, it uses this volume for new allocations
only if other volumes are not available.
QUINEW If the system uses JES3, it cannot schedule jobs that
allocate new data sets on this volume. If the system
uses JES2, it uses this volume for new allocations only
if other volumes are not available.
NOTE: Use the "External Filter/Class Manager" from the Windows Client to create external Filters, as the syntax is validated when the Filter is saved.