Autosys client utilities not found
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Autosys client utilities not found


Article ID: 94713


Updated On: 10-25-2023


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


After the installation of an Autosys client, the execution of any client utility like autorep, autoping, jil ... fails with "command not found"


After the installation of an Autosys client from the Autosys DVD, you must check if the Autosys environment is properly set.

You can set the Autosys environment, in any profile which will be executed during the logon of the user

It can be in /etc/profile or in the $HOME/.bashrc file or anywhere else, depending on your needs and internal policies.

You must add this line where the Autosys client is installed at below location (/opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE) and Autosys instance on machine machine1 is ACE

. /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/autouser.ACE/

( See dot space /opt/CA....)