I want to convert my TPX users from Static users to Saved Dynamic users. What is the best way to do this?
Static users are defined in user administration and recorded in the administration databases. The characteristics of a static user are determined during signon by values in the System Options Tables, Application Definition Tables, and user and profile records.
Dynamic Users
Dynamic users are not recorded in the administration databases, unless saved dynamic users are also allowed. The characteristics of dynamic users are determined by profiles assigned in the signon exit. User validation and profile selection can be determined at signon through interaction with an external security package. The default signon exit provides for this method of dynamic user management and almost eliminates the need for ongoing user maintenance in CA TPX.
Options in the System Options Table (SMRT) determine if CA TPX accepts dynamic users.
The product also allows saved dynamic users, which allows users to save their parameters (such as session or jump keys) from one TPX session to the next.
Dynamic users cannot be administered because no record of them is kept in the ADMIN2 database. A user is either static or dynamic, and cannot be static for one component and dynamic for the other.
Here is a summary of the steps you will need to take:
Dynamic Users Allowed: Y Save Dynamic Users: Y