Upgrading from CA Gen 8.5 to 8.6
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Upgrading from CA Gen 8.5 to 8.6


Article ID: 94314


Updated On: 05-03-2018


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


Upgrading from CA Gen 8.5 to 8.6...  We are installing in place into the existing Host Encyclopedia.
We have installed new DLLs on the mainframe when upgrading to release 8.5.  
Will we need to upgrade the 8.5 DLLs when upgrading to CA GEN 8.6?
If so, will we need to delete the old '8.5' datasets? 


Component: CGHE


You do not need to delete the old '8.5' data sets. In fact, we would recommend to leave the old data sets around just in case you need to fall back at some point. You can also use both sets of libraries across the one Host Encyclopedia from the two versions.

Also, note that the Host Encyclopedia code itself is not DLLs, but the Runtimes we provide for our applications are DLLs.
For your applications, you generate and install the code from models in the Host Encyclopedia into application data sets which are created. When you create this application code, you specify the target where the application will execute – CICS, IMS, Batch, TSOAE (used for testing mostly). By default, the generated code is DLLs. You deploy this generated code to the specific target and you deploy the Runtime code we provide (and which was installed with SMP/E) to the same target. The Runtimes are also DLLs. When you execute the generated code, it calls the Runtime, so they sort of are one unit.

Now, when you upgrade the encyclopedia and you convert the models, you can re-generate the code using the upgraded product. You would use different application data sets that the ones you used to generate in the previous release. You will keep the old data sets with the old code until you are happy that the new one’s work fine. Then you will deploy this new built code with the new release Runtimes to the specific target you are using.

However, between release 8.5 and release 8.6, unless you want some of the new functionality delivered with release 8.6, you can just have the existing 8.5 applications execute with the deployed Gen 8.6 Runtimes, and it should work fine. I am assuming the program names would be the same for the old and new versions of the generated code. The same applies to the CA Gen Runtimes. When you deploy the target environment, it only has 1 copy of the programs, so the new ones replace/override the old ones in CICS or IMS.