Do I need CCI installed on my Agent machine if I don't use Mainframe or NSM?
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Do I need CCI installed on my Agent machine if I don't use Mainframe or NSM?


Article ID: 94290


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


Do I need CCI installed on my Agent machine if I don't use Mainframe or NSM?

Do I need CCI installed on my Agent machine if I don't use Mainframe or NSM? How do I unregister it if it is installed?


Component: ATSYS 11.3.6 12.0 and higher


CA-CCI is only used for Autosys to Mainframe and Mainframe to Autosys Commincation plus NSM. It is not required to install or run it for Agents or Scheduler Machines if You are not using other mainframe schedulers or NSM. CA-diadna and CA-WV Status Server services are related to NSM product. CA-diadna is a communication protocol that was more recent that the old CCI. It has been used to communicate the status of certain components of NSM to our 2D-map. Communication was done by diadna and thru CA-WV (WorldView) status server. Both are not required if not using Mainframe or NSM. If you do not require them, you can disable them from being started as follows:
a) uniregister -D CA-cauwvdmn
b) uniregister -D CA-diadna
c) uniregister -D CA-cci