In some devices, such as switches or routers, changes can be made frequently, like moving connections or replacing them with new ones. Even if the the new connection is up, as evidenced by a switch-level show command, it may not appear in the NetOps Portal GUI for the device or data for it may be missing.
For example, in NetOps Portal, under Monitored Devices -> for that device -> Polled Metric Families -> Interfaces -> Interface components, the interface may be listed as: "Not Present" so it cannot be added to a graph.
Even after trying a manual NetOps Portal rediscover, there is still no change.
NetOps Portal 3.x
Sometimes, the polling configuration for a device in NetOps Portal can get stale this can happen for any component not just interfaces.
The solution is to stop, then restart polling so that the configuration can be updated. So to fix this, you can stop, then restart polling so that the configuration can be updated.
Furthermore, to identify if a stale polling configuration is the cause, you can do the following:
Then check the polling config or the device in NetOps Portal for the missing components. If the poll config is empty, start polling and wait for the config to rebuild.