WS Management Interface WSDL contains dead links
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WS Management Interface WSDL contains dead links


Article ID: 94248


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CA API Gateway


The API Gateway provides a WS management interface (/wsman) for managing the Gateway via SOAP requests. There is a desire to test/use this interface via SOAP UI. wsman has been  published as an internal service and the wsdl has been copied. However, it contains broken links to files located somewhere. eg.

<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="gateway-management.xsd"/> 
<import location="" namespace=""/>

What is the complete wsdl defined for the wsman interface?


All supported versions of the API Gateway


When you try to get the WSDL through a request to the Gateway (i.e http://<GATEWAY_HOST>:8080/wsman?wsdl), it will evaluate the incoming request and replace all the broken links with correct URLs like below. 

<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="http://<GATEWAY_HOST>:8080/ssg/wsdl/gateway-management.xsd"/>
<import location="http://<GATEWAY_HOST>:8080/ssg/wsdl/transfer.wsdl" namespace=""/>