I tried to edit a prior version level and received this error message: CIUU900E - THE INVENTORY IMPACTED BY THE REQUESTED ACTION REQUIRES PACKAGE PROCESSING.
I was expecting Endevor to pull down a copy to the first stage of the PRD Environment instead of attempting to Edit AT Production.
Is there a way to Edit or Generate the prior version level of a program via Quick Edit?
With the current supported versions of Endevor (17.0 / 18.0.12) you have the ability to edit a previous level in Quickedit.
bring up Quickedit as you normally would
From the Quickedit initial panel fill in the following fields: environment / system / subsystem / type leaving the element name blank to get a list or fill in the name of of the element you would like to edit.
When you get the element display put a S beside the element name A list of all version levels for the element will display. Put an E beside the version / level you want to edit Make the changes to the element When you are done with the editing, hit the pf3 key you will now see your job card and you can now submit the changes