ERROR: "XCOMN0417E trying to create an existing temporary file name"
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ERROR: "XCOMN0417E trying to create an existing temporary file name"


Article ID: 9413


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


How to correct XCOMN0417E trying to create an existing temporary file name and how XCOM uses temporary files.



Component: XCPCNT


XCOM generates temporary files while processing incoming send jobs and incoming file transfers.

When a sendjob is received, XCOM generates a temp file in the \%XCOM_HOME%\tmp\ directory
NOTE: %XCOM_HOME% is a Windows System Environment variable that contains the directory where XCOM is installed.

The temp file is removed after the .bat file is submitted and completes.

Temporary files for sendfiles are written into the directory where the target file is to be written. They are renamed to the actual file name when the transfer is complete or removed if the file transfer fails.

  1. The userid= specified when submitting the sendjob or file transfer on the partner must have update access to the directory where the file will be written.

    This is the %XCOM_HOME%\tmp directory for SENDJOBS or the actual target directory for a send file.
  2. Make sure you have defined the "CA XCOM Batch Interactive" group and have added all XCOM userids as members of the group.
    For more information, see Create the CA XCOM Batch Interactive Group in our online documentation. You must reboot for the changes to take effect.