RC/Query : Select Broadcom Utilities or IBM Utilities for utility processing when a utility command is entered.
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RC/Query : Select Broadcom Utilities or IBM Utilities for utility processing when a utility command is entered.


Article ID: 9412


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RC/Query for DB2 for z/OS


After displaying a list of tablespaces, in RC/Query for DB2 for z/OS, using option TS/L, a user enters "reorg" on the CMD line next to a table space name. Normally this results in the display of the "Rapid Reorg - Tablespace Options" screen which is Rapid Reorg.

But another user performs the same steps, but it results in the display of the "RC/Q Line Utilities" screen which is an IBM DB2 Reorg.

What parameter controls which utility suite is selected?.


Release: R20
Component: RCQ


The Utilities parameter within the RC/Query profile controls this display. From the RC/QUERY Profile Menu, select Option 2 - RC/QUERY Profile Variables.
Under Processing Options, find Utilities.

         ----------------- RC/QUERY Profile Variables ----------------

PRINT PARAMETERS:     (For Printing Query Report being viewed)
  PRINT SQL PAGE      ==> N   (Y/N; SQL Page N/A if Printline Size < 41)

PROCESSING OPTIONS:   (For Query Reports)
  VIEW LEVELS         ==> ALL          - For Object Dependency Report.
  QUALIFIERS          ==> Y    (Y/N)   - For Obj. Dep. and some Ver. 2.1 cols.
  MAX LINES           ==> ALL          - For List and Detail reports.
  FULL DETAIL         ==> Y    (Y/N)   - For reports based on multiple tables.
  OMIT ORDER BY       ==> N    (Y/N)   - For List and Detail reports.
  UTILITIES           ==> N    (Y/N)   - To use our Utilities.
  SAVED REPORTS       ==> Y    (Y/N)   - To use customized reports.
  MATCHCASE           ==> ON   (ON,    - Enables matchcase.
                                OFF,   - Disables matchcase. ( SQL Intensive )
                                CAPS)  - Force object names to upper case.
  CAPNATS             ==> N    (Y/N)   - Capitalize National Characters.
  ALL LOCATIONS       ==> Y    (Y/N)   - For searches in Plan/Package Report.
  UNDERSCORE WILDCARD ==> ON   (ON/OFF)- To process underscore as wildcard.
  OPTIONS NOTIFY      ==> ON   (ON/OFF)- For options and notify pop-ups.
  PREFILL COMMAND     ==> Y    (Y/N)   - Prefill command line for utility.
  ISOLATION LEVEL     ==> UR   (Blank  - Global Level ISOLATION value.
                                CS,    - Cursor Stability.
                                UR,    - Uncommitted Read)
  UTILITY OBJECT      ==> 1            - Number of objects per step in
  COUNT IN 1 STEP                        utility processing JCL.


Description:  Indicate whether you will be using our Utilities
              or IBM utilities. Valid values are:

              Y   Our Utilities

              N   IBM Utilities

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