Installing OM Web Viewer 12.1 into the USS environment
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Installing OM Web Viewer 12.1 into the USS environment


Article ID: 9407


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


There are additional install instructions that would be of use to a first-time installer.


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1 for USS
  • View®
  • Output Management Distributed Repository Access System (DRAS)
  • Common Components and Services for z/OS 
  • Output Management View™ for z/OS


Web Viewer r12.1 USS Additional Install Instructions

  1. Start a DRAS task.  The task will need to be found in the DRAS discovery step of the installation (Step 5 below).  DRAS was installed with View.
  2. Common Services 15.0 must been installed and a CCI task started
  3. Have a USS environment and directories established, where the installation will be performed.
    Note: You can use either the OMVS environment on the mainframe or the PuTTY application on the PC.
  4. Obtain the Install File from the Broadcom Website:
    The Install File is an .iso file, DVD0000000001981.ISO a cd image file .  Do NOT chose the .PAX file or Web Services
  5. Extract the .jar file on the PC. The .jar file is obtained from the DVD0000000001981.ISO.  Right click on the  .iso file and select MOUNT.
    The file is located at E:\InstData\Multiplatform, for example.  If MOUNT is disabled use an unzip utility such as winzip or 7zip.
  6. Prepare to Upload the .jar file to the mainframe.
  • Make sure the filesystem in mounted in USS
  • On the mainframe:
    • Do TSO command OMVS.
    • Change directory (cd) to the directory  where the transfer will be done.
  • On the PC:
    • Bring up a Command Prompt screen
    • Using the "cd ..." command, change to the directory where the .jar file is located.
    • To perform the upload (FTP) of the .jar file, Type 
      • ftp SystemName  and press Enter
      • Your TSO_UserID and press Enter
      • Your mainframe password for the LPAR/System (the same used to log onto TSO) and press Enter
      • bin and press enter
      • put the_.jar_file /u/users/dir_a/UserID/the_.jar_file and press Enter
  • On the mainframe:

    • Use command "ls -la", to note the progress of the .jar file transfer.
    • The DOS command window will shortly show the FTP has completed.
  • To install the Web Viewer, with either the mainframe OMVS or PuTTY:

    • Make sure that the Java bin directory is in your PATH environment variable, for example using:

    • Point to the directory, where the .jar file was uploaded to, and run the following Java command to

      start the installer:

      java -jar CAOMWV.jar for 12.1
    • Follow the panels and instructions, 

      "Installation Using the Console Mode":

      1. Step 1: Introduction and License Agreements
        • Press [Enter] (about 54 times) until you come to

          "DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS ... ? (Y/N):"
          Type "Y" [Enter] to accept.
        • Press [Enter] (about 150 times) until you come to

          "DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS ... ? (Y/N):"
          Type "Y" [Enter] to accept.

      2. Step 2: Supply the Installation Information
        • For the message "ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH ..."

          Type "/u/users/dir_a/UserID/CA_OM_Web_Viewer" [Enter]
          Verify the selection with "Y" [Enter].

      3. Step 3: Choose Your Java Virtual Machine
        • Type "1" [Enter], to choose a Java VM installed with the application.
        • Type "/sys/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0/bin/java" [Enter]     For example, can use later javas
        • Verify the selection with "Y" [Enter].

      4. Step 4: Choose a Deployment Method
        • Type "1" [Enter], to install an Apache Tomcat application server.  If you are using TOMCAT.  Otherwise select Websphere.
        • Type "/u/users/dir_a/UserID/CA_OM_Web_Viewer" [Enter], to point to which directory to install the server.
        • Type "9096" [Enter] for example, to specify the port number.

          Note: The port specified will be used in the URL for Web Viewer.  The port can be modified later if needed.
      5. Step 5: Supply CCI Server and DRAS Server Information
        • Type " SystemName " [Enter], for the Server.
        • Type "1202" [Enter], for the Port.    NOTE: 1202 is the default.  If you have a different port, enter that.
        • Type "1" [Enter], to "Test CCI connection".
        • Type "2" [Enter], to Accept the CCI settings.
        • For "Select A DRAS ... Server":    Please allow several minutes for the list of DRAS servers (from DRAS discovery) to be returned.

          Note: If a list is not returned, occasionally click the "Clear Screen" icon (in the 3270 Emulator/QWS3270), to get a list.
          If PuTTY is used, you need to wait for the list to be returned, for further activity.

        • Type the number then [Enter] for the DRAS server to be used.
      6. Step 6: Connect to a database
        • Type "2" [Enter], to "Use embedded database".

          Note: The Derby database will be established at the first launch of the installed Web Viewer.  The Derby database is for testing only.
      7. Step 7: Indicate LDAP User Authentication
        • Type "1" [Enter], for "Mainframe security first"     NOTE: If you are using LDAP, you may set this up later
      8. Step 8: Complete the Installation
        • Type your TSO_UserID [Enter], to specify a mainframe user ID.
        • Press [Enter], to accept the list presented for "Pre-Installation Summary".
        • Type "/u/users/dir_a/UserID/CA_OM_Web_Viewer" [Enter], to perform the install.
        • Review the information presented for the Tomcat Application Server.
        • Type "1" [Enter], to start up the application server.
        • Review the "Installation Complete" information and use the URL shown to start Web Viewer v12.1 in a web browser.

          Note: The URL http://HOST_NAME:nnnn/CAOMWebViewer12 is generated. The HOST_NAME should be "SystemName", and "nnnn" is the port used from Step 4 above (for the Tomcat server).
        • Press Enter to exit the installer.

Note: If you are having problems or want to specify options other than those above and need assistance, please contact Broadcom Support.

Additional Information

Note: For USS, in the Tomcat server.xml file, the SHUTDOWN port should be set to -1.

Server port="-1" shutdown="SHUTDOWN"

After installation, be sure to apply maintenance for Web Viewer and Tomcat as the Tomcat included with the install, version 8.0.54 is vulnerable.  Locate the latest Cumulative Build and Tomcat Solution on the Broadcom portal.  Scroll down to find the latest Tomcat.