Reporting Error "Failed to Open Connection" Possible Solutions.
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Reporting Error "Failed to Open Connection" Possible Solutions.


Article ID: 9393


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In the process of implementing Reporting in CA Identity Manager, the error message "Failed to Open Connection" may appear when attempting to create or view a report. This error message comes from the Reporting Server and is not directly connected to IM. It is a very generic error message that could indicate several configuration issues. Listed below is a short list of some of the possible areas that should be checked in order to prevent this error from occurring. If after checking these areas the error message still appears, contact CA Support.


Release: CAIDMB99000-14.1-Identity Manager-B to B


Reasons "Failed to Open Connection" may be seen in the Reporting Server:

  1. The Oracle Client is the wrong version for the given DB. Oracle is very specific with its needs for the Oracle client. It has to be the exact same version as the DB version that was installed. Also, it has to be the full client, not thin client.

  2. Invalid characters in the CRConfig.xml file. If there are any invalid characters (windows carriage returns on a Unix system for example) in the CRConfig.xml file the BO server will not even attempt to connect to the DB server and display the Failed to Open Connection error message.

  3. The JDBC Jar file is not correctly listed in the Classpath in the CRConfig.xml file. If the JDBC file is not present or not listed correctly in the CRConfig.xml file, the BO server will print the error message. Checking the path listed in the CRConfig.xml file is crucial, going so far as to use the specific path an not any environment variables just to make sure.

  4. The MergeConnectionProperties registry key does not exist in the BO server's registry. This registry key allows IM to pass in the database connection info for the report to properly run and be viewed. Without this registry key the BO server will display the aforementioned error message.

  5. Database is not running. This is the most obvious one and the easiest to check, however if the Database is not running, or not properly defined in the oraNames file then the Failed to Open Connection error message will appear. Check to ensure the Oracle database is running, and that the oraNames file on the Oracle Client contains the database connection information. Also ensure the case sensitivity is correct when using the defined service name. A failure to perform any one of these will result in the "Failed to Open Connection" error message.

  6. The Report folder is named incorrectly in the Idmmanage Reporting setting config screen. If the report folder is named incorrectly then the Failed to Open Connection message will appear, but only when viewing the report from the IM server. Viewing it from the CMC will be successful.

  7. The JDBC jar file has the wrong privileges or is owned by the wrong user. The OJDBC14.jar file that the Reporting Server uses to communicate with the Database should be owned by the user that starts and stops the Reporting Server. That user should have read and write access to that file.

  8. The biar file for the incorrect database was imported into the report server. Import the correct biar file that corresponds to the database used to hold the snapshot information.