How to modify the frequency of CAUAJM_I_80021 Agent Inventory Message in event_demon log
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How to modify the frequency of CAUAJM_I_80021 Agent Inventory Message in event_demon log


Article ID: 93786


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


Since AE 11.3.6 SP7 and WCC 11.4 SP6, a new functionality has been added, namely Agent Inventory.
In the Autosys event_demon log we see following message appearing every minute:

CAUAJM_I_80021 The agent inventory service has evaluated the statuses of 1 machine(s) in 0.1 seconds.

Is there a way to change the frequency so that message isn't appearing so often in the event_demon log?


Autosys 11.3.6 SP7 & WCC 11.4 SP6


This is controlled by parameter AgentStatusPollInterval. 

The AgentStatusPollInterval parameter specifies the time interval (in minutes) between status polls that the scheduler waits before polling all the agents. The default value is 1, that is, the scheduler polls the agents every one minute. 

You can configure this parameter as follows:
  • UNIX -- Edit the following entry in the configuration file: 


  • Windows -- Enter the time interval in the Agent Status Poll Interval field on the Scheduler - CA Workload Automation AE Administrator window of the Administrator utility. 

Additional Information

You can find more information on this paramater on following url