Error when migrate REST jobs from old RA-Webservice to new RA-Webservice
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Error when migrate REST jobs from old RA-Webservice to new RA-Webservice


Article ID: 93703


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


I successfully upgraded AE from version 10.0.2 in “play” environment to the AWA 12.1 I installed REST and SOAP agents 12.1 - software version 4.3.0. ( WEBSERVICE agent in version 10.2 used software version 3.2.0B). But when I try to open the “old” REST JOBS and connection objects – it’s not possible to change them to the new REST agent or edit connection url. I understand that according documentation there is No Upgrade from v2 or v3 RA Web Service Agent, …no automatic upgrade from Web Service v2 or v3 agent to Web Service v4 agent. All connection and job objects have to be defined/upgraded manually in v4. I tried to run the RA Web Service REST Agent Migration Assistant:

1. Loaded - WEBSERVICE_REST_MIGRATION.TXT with DBLoad Utility.

2. Imported uc4_export_migration.xml in User Interface

3. And when I run the migration script script __WS.REST.MIGRATION.START, the progress failed with these error messages:

U00020303 Runtime error in object '__WS.REST.MIGRATION.START', line '00014'.  
U00020274 Wrong SQL statement in 'WS.REST.MIGRATION.EXECUTE.MIGRATION.FUNCTION'. DB error: '
U00003754 Database-error in SQLI-variable:
U00003590 UCUDB - DB error: 'SQLExecDirect', 'ERROR ', '42000', 'Could not find stored procedure 'ws_rest_migration'.'' 


Automation Engine 10.0.x
RA-Webservice version 2.x and 3.0


The cause of this issue is WEBSERVICE_REST_MIGRATION.TXT hadn't been loaded correctly with the DBLoad Utility. So it need to be load manually by the Database Administrator (DBA). 


 Please try these suggestions to re-run the 7th step of RA-webservice-REST migration assistant (load the migration txt with DBLoad Utility): 

1. Check the import uc4_export_migration.xml report to make sure nothing is skipped and no errors in importing. 


2. In client 0, go to UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS and change the value of SQLVAR_INTERNAL to YES. 

3. Manually execute the content SQL statement of webservice_rest_migration.sql in Microsoft SQL Management Studio. Check the WEBSERVICE_REST_MIGRATION.TXT to find the suitable file with your DB.

4. Turn off the old RA-Webservice agent, keep the new RA-Webservice-REST agent running, and then execute the script __WS.REST.MIGRATION.START again. 

5. When the script is successfully performed, it should have report messages like this:

6. Please check the online document for details instruction on running RA-webservice-REST migration assistant:

Running the RA Web Service REST Agent Migration Assistant


Additional Information

No Upgrade from v2 or v3 RA Web Service Agent

The RA Web Service REST Agent is based on different libs/solution than v3.x. V4.x uses CXF for SOAP Jobs, while v3 used AXIS2. There is no automatic upgrade from Web Service v2 or v3 Agent to Web Service v4 Agent. All connection and Job objects have to be defined/upgraded manually in v4. Web Service Agent v4 solution doesn't replace the Web Service Agent v2 or v3 solution, it needs to be installed on as a separately installed RA Agent. Consequently, a combination of Web Service v2, v3, and v4 Agents can be run in parallel within one Automation Engine or CA Automic Applications Manager system.


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