Troubleshooting Web Browser Problems with Web Viewer and Fiddler
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Troubleshooting Web Browser Problems with Web Viewer and Fiddler


Article ID: 9369


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CA Service Desk Manager - Unified Self Service CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager Output Management Web Viewer


Broadcom Support may request a Fiddler Web Debugging Proxy trace if a user is having problems with a product that uses a Web Browser. 


CA Service Management 17.X


Troubleshooting. Successfully log and  inspect HTTP(s) network requests and server responses. 


Here are the instructions on how to obtain Fiddler and take the trace.

IMPORTANT: Fiddler should be installed on the user's workstation; not on the Web Server.

The Fiddler Web Debugging Proxy program was originally developed by Microsoft and is now owned by Telerick.  It is free for all use. You may download it from


  1. Select Fiddler Classic 
  2. Fill out the rest of the form
  3. Click on Download Fiddler to download and install it.
  4. Click on save
  5. Click on the downloaded file to start the installation.


  1. Start Fiddler using the Fiddler2 icon in your START | Programs menu.
    If the https communication is used, it is necessary to follow the below steps. If the http communication only is used, go to #2.
    a) Tools > Options... 

    b) Check the below check box and select the below item in the dropdown box in the HTTPS tab, and click OK button.
        - Capture HTTPS CONNECTS
        - Decrypt HTTPS traffic
        - Select '... from all processes' in the dropdown box.


  2. Bring up your program in the browser and reproduce the problem.

  3. In the left hand pane of fiddler you should see the requests and responses.

  4. To save these in the format needed by Broadcom support,
  • Select File from the top left menu
  • Choose Save-> All Session(s) 
  • Fill in a file name for the trace
  • Click Save
  • The file will be saved with the default SAZ extension.