We are installing CA Vantage. We have started the Started task SAMS. however, there are a set of messages I don't understand: VANMETR Data Mover EXIT initialization: IRB VANMETR Error - z/OS Data Mover CONNECT RC:8 RS:4 VANMETR Vantage will try to reconnect VANMETR STIMERM SET RC=0 Could I get a hint as to what this is trying to tell me?
Release: Component: VANT
VANMETR Error - z/OS Data Mover CONNECT RC:8 RS:4 VANMETR Vantage will try to reconnect PTF RO98189 (that was included in the file of PTFs I sent you) provides support for a new feature in CA Vantage SRM: STORAGE METRIC SUPPORT FOR MOI This sysmod introduces an ability to send storage data from CA Vantage to MOI. With this sysmod, you are able to enable the METRIC component. This is not a free feature for GMI users, those who don't have a license for CA Vantage SRM. This new feature was mistakenly delivered "active".
To disable this feature, please review the HOLDDATA for PTF RO98189 and REVERSE the install steps that I will list here: 1.Run the COPYSUMM step of the J01SUMM job in the CCTUSAMP library to copy the factory defined Summary Objects from the CCTUSAMP library to the SUMMDEFS data set. 2.Run the J0AOI job in the CCTUSAMP library to copy the template GOA scripts for CA Mainframe Operation Intelligence (OI). Enter the following text in the CONFIG member in PARMLIB to enable the metric component to connect to CCS Data Mover: COMP=METRIC If you do not want to enable metrics, change the "COMP=METRIC" section to a comment by placing an asterisk "*" in the first column.