Installing/Uninstalling the Watchworx service
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Installing/Uninstalling the Watchworx service


Article ID: 93643


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


The Windows Watchworx service may need a manual install or uninstall if errors occur during the CDINSTALL.bat process or during Applications Manager uninstall process.

What is the procedure to manually install/uninstall Watchworx?


Release: AAMORS99000-9.0-Automic Applications Manager-Oracle - RMS


Installing Watchworx

Open the cmd prompt as administrator. You will need to right click on it and choose the Run as Administrator option.

Go to the %AW_HOME%\site directory where you installed the AppWorx agent, and run the sosite.bat file.
Go to the %AW_HOME%\c directory.
Issue the following:
instsrv -install -auto -watch <agent name>
This will create the WatchWorx service, named AWW-<agent name>.

Go to the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools, then Services. From the Services window, right-click the AWW-<agent name> service and go to Properties. Click the Log On tab. Click the This Account radio button, and enter the login information.

Uninstalling Watchworx

Open the cmd prompt as administrator. You will need to right click on it and choose the Run as Administrator option.

Go to the %AW_HOME%\site directory where you installed the AppWorx agent, and run the sosite.bat file.
Go  to the %AW_HOME%\c directory.
Issue the following:
instsrv -remove AWW-<service name>