JCS Error 'eTADSDirectoryName' not found within the OID registry
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JCS Error 'eTADSDirectoryName' not found within the OID registry


Article ID: 93617


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


Java Connector Server (JCS) was unable to properly handle/forward any requests for C++ Connectors (i.e. CSProxy). The Provisioning Server's etatrans log would show "OID for name 'eTADSDirectoryName' was not found within the OID registry" and the jcs_daily.log would also show the below error as well:

SpringOsgiExtenderThread-84] (com.ca.jcs.core:com.ca.jcs.cfg.ImplBundleSchemaLoader:106) ERROR  - implBundle 'ActiveDirectory' deregistered as failed reading schema from '/conf/ads_proxy.schema'
java.lang.ClassCastException: antlr.CommonToken cannot be cast to antlr.Token


Component: IDMGR


An extra jar file apacheds-server-main-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-app.jar had been placed into the Connector Server\lib\ext folder by mistake which was causing a conflict with the apacheds-server-main-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-app-nolog.jar also located in the same location.


The extra jar file apacheds-server-main-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-app.jar was removed from the Connector Server\lib\ext folder and the Java Connector Server service was restarted.

Additional Information

The following was done to generate additional information in the Connector Server installation\jcs\logs\jcs_service_stdout.log to see which classes were being loaded:
1: Open registry editor (regedit) 
2: Go to the key "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ComputerAssociates\Identity Manager\Procrun 2.0\im_jcs\Parameters\Java" 
3: Add JVM option "-verbose:class" under "options". 
4: Restart the JCS service.